POPULAR FRONT OF INDIA condemns attack on Gaza flotilla, demands international probe As a cowardly and callous act Israel has again shown its Rogue state nature once again, right from the day of its illegal establishment Israel has been a headache for the international community, violating its regulations and conditions ,putting its decisions in the dustbin, of course by the help of its mentor USA , in the beginning of this year Israel humiliated the international community with its rogue stand on al-Aqsa mosque, and ancient mosques and then on the issue of Jerusalem settlements But the most vicious act of Israel this year was the Gaza blockade; over 1.5 million Palestinian civilians were put into a blockade which turned the Gaza into an open jail. The reason was Israel’s so called prevention/retaliation of HAMAS rockets, even though HAMAS denounced the rockets attacks and has agreed for a peace settlement. It’s again the rogue state of Israel w...
NAYA CARAVAN NAYA HINDUSTAN ASSLAMALIKUM WARAHNMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH , Welcome to the POPULAR FRONT OF India's Gulbarga DISTRICT blog..... mohammed mohsin,district president gulbarga,p.no 7829892881 Dr Rizwan ahmed,dist gen secy gulbarga. ph.no 8147792226