GULBARGA 15 Aug 2011:On occasion of 64th independence day, Popular Front of India Gulbarga dist branch organized an Independence Day program with collaboration of SDPI , The tricolor was hoisted by Popular Front of India dist president M.Shahid Naseer. This was followed by a freedom program, which was presided by M.Shahid Naseer. The program started by a welcome speech of Hafiz Arif Muhammad, he highlighted the sacrifices given by Muslims, especially the ulama community. M.Shahid Naseer delivered the presidential speech, in his speech Mr.Shahid highlighted the sacrifices of freedom fighters ,and he insisted India is a country with best constitutional values but some factional forces are trying to divide India and take India into pre-independence period, he also said that popular Front of India wanted to celebrate the Independence day with big pomp and joy, and conduct its freedom parade in Gulbarga, but the fascist BJP govt didn’t wanted a minority organization to take ove...
NAYA CARAVAN NAYA HINDUSTAN ASSLAMALIKUM WARAHNMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH , Welcome to the POPULAR FRONT OF India's Gulbarga DISTRICT blog..... mohammed mohsin,district president gulbarga, 7829892881 Dr Rizwan ahmed,dist gen secy gulbarga. 8147792226