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Showing posts from August, 2012

press of conference about death MUHAMMAD BILAL SHREE GURU

Popular Front of India Dist President Shahid Naseer has condemned the Unnatural death of class Xth student Md Bilal (16) in Shree Guru Vidya Peeth.   He demanded a fair and transparent investigation of the matter and condemned the behavior of the school management, he also said that the behavior of college was totally unacceptable and inhumane , the deceased student was treated with discriminations and was troubled lot by teachers , which ultimately resulted in his death yesterday, to rub the salts on the wounds the corpse was left unattended in hospital and the school management turned blind eye towards whole issue soon after. Sheikh Siraj pasha PFI Dist Gen Secy said the absence of DC from the scene was saddening and irresponsible, and said that the issue has enraged people , he demanded that guilty teacher must be brought to justice and management must also be punished accordingly and government must act early to stop these kind of incidents.  popular front of i...

Popular Front of India conducts School Chalo campaign in Gulbarga, Distributes school kits among poor kids

Popular Front of India Gulbarga district unit distributed school kits in poor and needy students of different places of district,earlier the cadres of Popular Front of India did a survey to sort out poor and needy students , especially those of minority community , then Popular Front of India conducted a series of programs at several places in and outside the city , These programs were Presided by Mr Shahid Naseer , Dist President Popular Front of India Gulbarga ,he was accompanied by other district committee members,   around 650 kits were distributed by Popular Front of India in poor students at places like Shaikhroza {Shahbazar},Millath nagar,Muslim Sang , Rehmath Nagar, National School Hafth Gumbad, and Jevargi Taluka . Various eminent persons of city and district like Syed Dastagir {Dist President SDPI },Abdulrahim Mulla{Dist Gen Secy Sdpi}, Shams Tabrez {Dist Secy Sdpi},Sulaiman , Mukhtar Khan. Syed Qawwamuddin Junaidi Dist President Majlis Tamir-E-Millat ,Md Jafar Ex...