Popular Front of India Gulbarga strongly condemns the brutal lynching of 2 Muslim cattle traders by the members of right wing in Balumath ,Latehar, Jharkhand. The unruly mobs of bhagva goons are destroying India’s peaceful environment and social structure. The BJP government at the centre has failed miserably in reining in the Bhagva goons who have wreaked havoc over the citizen’s peace and security. Successful protest in Gulbarga.
NAYA CARAVAN NAYA HINDUSTAN ASSLAMALIKUM WARAHNMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH , Welcome to the POPULAR FRONT OF India's Gulbarga DISTRICT blog..... mohammed mohsin,district president gulbarga,p.no 7829892881 Dr Rizwan ahmed,dist gen secy gulbarga. ph.no 8147792226