"Until our Last Breath for Unity in Diversity" Popular Front of India Gulbarga Dist Flag hosting program in various places of the District on the occasion of # PopularFrontDay 17th Feb 2016. Mijgori Chowk, National Chowk, KCT Chowk Ring Road, Tipu Sultan Chowk, Mahebus Chowk Super Market, Masjid Chowk Shahabad, Jewargi, and many places of the district celebrated Popular Front Day.
NAYA CARAVAN NAYA HINDUSTAN ASSLAMALIKUM WARAHNMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH , Welcome to the POPULAR FRONT OF India's Gulbarga DISTRICT blog..... mohammed mohsin,district president gulbarga,p.no 7829892881 Dr Rizwan ahmed,dist gen secy gulbarga. ph.no 8147792226