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Popular Front Of India conducts a personality dfevelopment camp for rural youth in gulbarga

Popular Front of India Gulbarga dist branch today conducted a personality development camp for the youths from rural areas like Jevargi, shahbad etc in Gulbarga dist office. Speakers from Popular Front of India spoke with the youth present, on the different topics like social work, importance of educational empowerment, etc.
        The present youth were briefed about the various methods of social works, various govt schemes and community development programs,  followed by a brief lecture on how a "IDEAL MUSLIM youth "must be was also delivered so as to get better understanding of social services and youth activism in ISLAM .
This lecture was followed by group discussion of youth on various topics, and this was concluded with prayer.
Dist secretary of Popular Front of India Gulbarga Shaik Siraj Pasha presided over the camp; various other dist council members were also present. Dist secretary of Popular Front of India Gulbarga said “The feedback of participants was very pleasant and positive, and the participants of the camp in the end owed to work enthusiastically for the community, this is our routine to conduct the personality development camps for Muslim youth to educate them and also help them in any possible manner..


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