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Showing posts from October, 2012


Gulbarga: As part of its national campaign “why popular front” Popular Front of India Gulbarga unit conducted a GRAND PUBLIC MEETING at National college ground. Immensely huge gathering was seen on the occasion,as the whole of the spacious ground was filled with members and supports of Popular Front in Gulbarga(600KM north from Bangalore). District president Shahid Naseer welcomed the guests. he said " " all praises are for Allah ,we welome all the guests who responded to our call and came here and showed their support for POPULAR FRONT OF INDIA. we also welcome the cadres and supporters of the organization who has came here to express their love for the popular front". Mr Abdul Wahid Seth, state vice president Popular Front of India Karnataka , in his presidential speech lambasted the malicious propaganda against the organization and said “Popular Front is being targeted because it works for poor people and minorities. He also said “those

Press conference regarding “Why Popular Front” campaign against falsehood being propagated about the organization

Press conference regarding “Why Popular Front” campaign against falsehood being propagatedabout the organization Gulbarga   : Popular front of India Gulbarga district unit conducted a press conference in Gulbarga city . Large number of journalists turned up to the event from print and visual media of Kannada, English and Urdu languages.   Speaking to the media persons SHAHID NASEER president Popular front of India Gulbarga said Popular Front of India has decided to conduct a nationwide campaign captioned “Why Popular Front?” from October 10 TH to November 10 TH , 2012. Various programs will be conducted in Karnataka state under this banner .   Popular front of India Gulbarga will hold the GRAND PEOPLES CONFERENCE on 19 th October 2012 8.30pm in National college ground Gulbarga. Popular Front of India is an organization which is marching forward with an aim of all round empowerment of the deprived communities, especially Muslims who are backward in educational,