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Press conference regarding “Why Popular Front” campaign against falsehood being propagated about the organization

Press conference regarding “Why Popular Front” campaign against falsehood being propagatedabout the organization

Gulbarga  : Popular front of India Gulbarga district unit conducted a press conference in Gulbarga city . Large number of journalists turned up to the event from print and visual media of Kannada, English and Urdu languages.
 Speaking to the media persons SHAHID NASEER president Popular front of India Gulbarga said
Popular Front of India has decided to conduct a nationwide campaign captioned “Why Popular Front?” from October 10THto November 10TH, 2012. Various programs will be conducted in Karnataka state under this banner .
 Popular front of India Gulbarga will hold the GRAND PEOPLES CONFERENCE on 19th October 2012 8.30pm in National college ground Gulbarga.

Popular Front of India is an organization which is marching forward with an aim of all round empowerment of the deprived communities, especially Muslims who are backward in educational, economic, social and political fields. The organization is tirelessly creating awareness among youth, organizing them and striving hard to restore the rights of marginalised and oppressed communities.

It is undisputed that if a country wants to be respected as a developed nation, each and every section of its citizenry should develop equally and enjoy social justice. If a section or community is side-lined or persecuted, it will be against the welfare of that country besides violating human rights. Hence Popular Front of India is always working with other progressive and Dalit organisations for the purpose of getting fundamental rights, equal opportunities, human rights and social justice to all marginalised communities. Popular Front of India has taken up lot of social issues related to Muslim community and other marginalized classes of society and conducted many campaigns like “Reservation to Muslims”, “Bail is the Rule : Release the innocents”, “Social Justice Conference”, etc. It has conducted several protests against the pro-imperialistic, pro-capitalistic and anti-people policies of the government, irrespective of the party that they may belong to.

Speaking at the occasion MD Mohsinuddin Vice President Popular  Front of India said that Towards educational empowerment, Popular Front of India has been striving in a systematic manner through its programs and schemes. It has been conducting “School Chalo” campaign every year in all districts of Karnataka. This year, the organization has distributed 1 lakh school kits at an all-India level. It has started a scheme “SarvaShiksha Gram” in which the organization adopts few villages/Mohallas, conduct surveys and provides all educational and financial help to the poor children to get primary education. In Karnataka, 62 Mohallas are selected under the “SarvaShiksha Gram” and benefitted.

Popular Front of India is also actively involved in the field of social service. It has conducted numerous blood donation camps, health camps, fitness and hygiene programs, legal awareness camps, scholarship information camps, etc. It has conducted rescue and rehabilitation activities during Tsunami in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, floods in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Air-India crash accident in Mangalore and recently done relief activities for Assam victims, etc.

Popular Front of India is a voice of deprived communities enjoying mass support. It stays committed to strengthen democratic and secular values of our country and oppose fascist and communal agendas. Unfortunately, some vested interests are targeting the organization by spreading false information and trying to tarnish its image.

Hence, the organization has decided to conduct a nationwide campaign captioned as “Why Popular Front?” to present its relevancein contemporary India and evoke mass response and expose the intentions behind this false propaganda.  The campaign will start on 10th October and will conclude on 10th November, 2012. Corner meetings, posters and handbills distributions, get together programs, massive public conferences,seminars, rallies, etc., will be part of the campaign. All of these will be done with due permissions and within the boundary of law.

We request the media to give maximum coverage and cooperate with the organisation, in carry the message of this campaign, the aims of the organization and expose the falsehood of forces with vested interests.

Present in the Press Conference:

1.       Muhammad Shahid Naseer–District President.
2.       Md Mohsinuddin - District Vice President.
3.       Shaikh Siraj Pasha  - District General Secretary.
4.       Abid hussain – Member, district Executive Council.


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