Gulbarga: Popular Front distributes blankets for poor Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 Gulbarga: Popular Front of India as part of the organization’s community development program conducted a blanket distribution program keeping in mind the cold wave in different parts of country. THIS program was held at mumtaz function hall which was attended by cadres of Popular Front of India and eminent people of muslim community as well as poor people who were gifted the blankets. Mr Mohsin introduced Popular Front of India and its works to all the people gathered. other people who attended the program were MR SHAHID NASEER President Popular Front of India dist Gulbarga,Mr Syed Zakir vice President Popular Front of India dist Gulbarga,and district council of Popular Front of India, Advocate azeemuddin, president of Tipu Sultan Education Society, Dr.Hamid Maqdomi
NAYA CARAVAN NAYA HINDUSTAN ASSLAMALIKUM WARAHNMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH , Welcome to the POPULAR FRONT OF India's Gulbarga DISTRICT blog..... mohammed mohsin,district president gulbarga, 7829892881 Dr Rizwan ahmed,dist gen secy gulbarga. 8147792226