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Popular Front Of India Gulbarga protests against Ramsena,demands to ban the SAFFRON outfit


Popular Front of India Gulbarga unit yesterday protested against the RAMSENA ,this protest was attended by large number of people who condemned the ramsena in a vocal manner for using divisive techniques and creating communal tensions in state.The anguish of people was vocally evident as many other organisations like Dalit sena and Muslim Welfare Association also joined the protest along with the rank and cadres of Popular Front of India Gulbarga unit .
Addressing to the gathering MR Shahid Naseer said " We applaud the police action for arresting the 6 culprits of Sangh Parivar who hoisted the Pakistan flag at the office of Tahshildar at Sindagi, Bijapur District of Karnataka state. Popular Front of India also urges the Police and the Government to investigate the conspiracies and the force behind the incident which is destroying the integrity and social health of our nation.A similar effort was made in Sindagi almost two years ago but inaction by the administration at that time has only boosted the morale of such deceitful forces. Now, the culprits of sangh parivar have hoisted the Pakistan flag and accused the episode on Muslim community and conducted many protests. They insulted and demanded the suspension of the Thahshildar and Police officers of Sindagi. Further they even desecrated the walls of a Masjid in Sindagi to instigate communal violence. They have forcefully shut down normal life in the town of Sindagi to give credence to their effort. All these are appears to be the part of creating a big communal violence in Bijapur District.

Following these arrests many political leaders are issuing statements that these are not mere Ramsena activists but RSS and BJP culprits. Some publications even claimed that there was immense political pressure to safeguard these culprits. Also, the hand of the local MLA  is claimed to be behind the incident. Hence, such enemies of Indian civil society should be apprehended, tried and put behind bars on fast track mode.

Popular Front of India urges the Honorable Home Minister of India to appoint special team of Police officers or NIA to investigate such anti national incidents and take stringent actions against the culprits. Popular Front of India also urges the Honorable Home Minister to ban the organizations of Sangh Parivar which is always disturbing the peace and integrity of the nation.

MR Hanmanth Yelsangi told in his speech  that ram sena is a real anti indian organisation and its making  riots &blaming  the muslims &other backward communities he also insisted  that this is the time that Dalith &
Muslims have to raised their voice against the fascist people of India and this is only way to save the country.

Adv Mazhar hussain also spoke at the occasion and highlighting the issue he urged Govt of Karnataka and India to ban the Ramsene and take stringent actions to those who were involved.

             In the end of protest a memorandum was submitted to Home Minister of India ,Governor Of Karnataka, through the DC of Gulbarga demanding the strict actions against the culprits ,and ban the outfit which is involved in anti nation activities by dividing secular fabric of India and Put Reins to the other similar outfits.

{pictures of the protest will follow soon}


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